Podcast Brunch Club



AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

Like it or not, we’re all getting older. Some people decide to lean into aging, while others fight it with all they’ve got. How does ageism play into our decisions about how to age. And, what, if anything, can and should science do to increase longevity. The episodes in this month’s playlist tackle these questions and offer a variety of perspectives on the topic.


HEALING: September 2022 podcast playlist

Healing can come in many forms – a band-aid, a pill, a meditation, and even a placebo. This podcast playlist offers stories from individuals who have been on healing journeys, along with research on how we can heal more easily.


Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: May 2021 podcast playlist

Beauty is subjective…one person’s “beautiful” is another person’s “ugly.” Yet, as a society we continually strive for beauty. But, what does that mean exactly? How does society place value on certain types of beauty over others? Has social media and the proliferation of the “selfie” changed the way we understand beauty? This podcast playlist was curated in an effort to explore those questions and more. 


Women: March 2021 podcast playlist

In honor of International Women’s Day (March 8), we’ve curated a playlist that highlights women who challenge the status quo. While there were so many angles we could have taken with this playlist, we decided to focus on more recent times rather than taking a deeply historical perspective. If you feel those are missing and want to hear more about the history of women’s rights, check out some of the bonus episodes below the main playlist. 


Q&A with hosts of Forgotten: Women of Juárez

Forgotten: Women of Juárez, hosted by Oz Woloshyn and Mónica Ortiz Uribe, investigates the mysterious disappearance of women in Juárez, Mexico over the course of decades. Finding justice for these women proves to be incredibly difficult given a weak judicial system laden with corruption, a contentious border relationship with the US, and American consumerism.


More Banana Podcast Network Amplifies Women’s Voices

More Banana Productions launched in 2018 and already has 10 podcasts on its roster hosted and produced by 18 women. Shows range from Let’s Get Civical, a humorous look at the things you might have missed in history class, to Scamwow, which examines some of history’s most infamous cons.


Other Men Need Help: An interview with Mark Pagán

Other Men Need Help is a podcast about the emblems, habits, and struts in the male performance. In each episode, Mark Pagán dissects the ways OTHER men avoid accountability, cling to power, mask insecurities, and quietly scream for connection. Other Men Need Help shares these personal tales using a playful format of documentary, essay, and archive-based storytelling. Mark was kind enough to answer a few questions about Other Men Need Help (OMNH).


Women and Power podcast explores the fight for women’s voting rights in the UK

Earlier this year, the National Trust launched Women and Power, a five part podcast series which delves into the rarely-told stories of women’s voting rights in the UK. The story of female votes in the UK tends to centre on the actions of the militant suffragettes in the UKs capital city, but this is just a fraction of the story. The full story of the Suffrage movement involved women and men from all classes, and from across the British Isles, playing their part in the fight for equality in a multitude of ways.


Looking for Love: Podcast Playlist

Dating. Ugh. What can I say? I’ve done it. I hated it. As a woman who dated into her late 30s, I can say from experience that it’s rough out there! But, dating was a means to an end: finding love. Love was lurking out there somewhere–I just needed to find it, pin it down, and make it submit to my will. In honor of the sometimes adored, sometimes abhorred Valentine’s Day, let’s dive into looking for love this month.

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Future Hindsight
  • Podkite