Podcast Brunch Club

Podcast Episodes

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Roundup of The Sharing Economy podcast playlist [Episode 33]

In this roundup episode, Sara and Adela chat about the podcast listening list on the Sharing Economy. We also get answers from creators and members on the question, “What are the benefits of the sharing economy? Is ‘sharing’ a sustainable idea?” Adela and Sara then diverge from the listening list and talk about the return […]

Alexis Brown, host of the My Ocean podcast [Episode 32]

Adela interviews Alexis Brown, the host of the creator of the My Ocean podcast from Oceanwise. As part of the August podcast listening list on Ocean Conservation, Podcast Brunch Club members worldwide listened to the My Ocean episode “Karina Oliani: Diving in Style.” Check out the other podcasts in this Ocean Conservation playlist mini-series, including […]

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Roundup of Ocean Conservation Podcast Playlist [Episode 31]

In this roundup episode, Sara and Adela chat about the podcast listening list on Ocean Conservation. We also get answers from creators and members on the question, “Why are you drawn (or not) to the ocean?” Adela and Sara then diverge from the listening list and talk about bringing positivity to the podcast medium.

Sam Evans-Brown, host of the Outside/In podcast [Episode 30]

Sara interviews Sam Evans-Brown, the host of the Outside/In podcast. As part of the September podcast listening list on Ocean Conservation, Podcast Brunch Club members worldwide listened to the Outside/In episode “An American Lobster in Stockholm.” Check out the other podcasts in this Ocean Conservation playlist mini-series, including the Roundup episode and the forthcoming interview […]

Micah Schweizer, executive producer of HumaNature podcast [Episode 29]

Sara interviews Micah Schweizer, executive producer on the HumaNature podcast. As part of the August podcast listening list on Wanderlust, Podcast Brunch Club members worldwide listened to the HumaNature episode “May The Road Rise Up To Meet You, And May The Wind Stop Blowing In Your Face.” Check out the other podcasts in this Wanderlust […]

Willow Belden, creator of Out There podcast [Episode 28]

Adela chats with Willow Belden, host and creator of the Out There podcast. As part of the August podcast listening list on Wanderlust, Podcast Brunch Club members worldwide listened to the Out There episode “Better Than Fun.” Check out the other podcasts in this Wanderlust playlist mini-series, including the Roundup of the Wanderlust Podcast Playlist and […]

Roundup of Wanderlust Podcast Playlist [Episode 27]

In this roundup episode, Sara and Adela chat about the podcast listening list on Wanderlust. We also get answers from creators and members on the question, “What place is a favorite place you’ve visited or what is on your bucket list and why?” Adela and Sara then diverge from the listening list and talk about […]

Bad With Money creator, Gaby Dunn [Episode 26]

Adela chats with Gaby Dunn, creator of the Bad With Money podcast from Panoply. As part of the July podcast playlist on Money, Podcast Brunch Club members worldwide listened to the Bad With Money episode “Just Give People Money (aka Universal Basic Income).” Check out the other podcasts in this Money playlist mini-series, including the Money […]

Robert Smith, reporter on Planet Money [Episode 24]

Adela chats with Robert Smith, one of the reporters from Planet Money that worked on the episode “The Dollar at the Center of the World” that we listened to as part of the podcast listening list on Money. Check out the other podcasts in this Money playlist mini-series, including the Money Playlist Roundup and the Interview […]

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