Podcast Brunch Club

Podcast Episodes

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Immigration & Migration discussion w/ Shannon Martin [Episode 2]

This month’s discussion is with Shannon Martin, podcast fangirl and Director of Communications for Podbean. Shannon is also the fearless leader of the Podcast Brunch Club chapter in Shanghai and this month the Shanghai chapter curated the podcast listening list on Migration & Immigration.

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Gangs discussion with Sara DaSilva of Audible Feast [Episode 1]

This month, Adela sits down with Sara DaSilva, founder of Audible Feast, to discuss the PBC listening list on gangs. The Podcast Brunch Club picks are intended to educate us about the reasons people join gangs, their motivation for staying in them, and how they can impact a community. Due to a code of secrecy within a gang and the threat of violence if that trust is broken, stories of life on the inside can be scarce, and even unbelievable at times. Gangs are unlikely to disappear anytime soon, given the connection to and prevalence of drugs and class disparity, so let’s learn a little about why they continue to exist and draw more members into the fold.

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Introducing Podcast Brunch Club: like book club, but for podcasts [Episode 0]

Welcome to the Podcast Brunch Club podcast! It’s very meta. In this introductory episode, I’ll go over what Podcast Brunch Club is and what I envision for the PBC podcast. PBC is like book club, but for podcasts. We’re a global community of avid podcast listeners with in-person chapters all over the world. Every month we […]

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Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Future Hindsight
  • Podkite