Audio newsletter: September 17, 2021 (playlist: Fairy Tales)
A 3 minute update about what’s up at Podcast Brunch Club this month. 2 playlists, global virtual chapter meetings & more…
September 11th: Bonus podcast playlist
Between 8:46 am and 10:03 am ET on September 11, 2001, four commercial airliners hit four separate targets in a coordinated terrorist attack on the United States. On that day, 2,977 innocent people perished, tens of thousands were injured, two skyscrapers collapsed, firefighters, police, and regular people became heroes, and the world mourned. We are […]
Fairy Tales: September 2021 podcast playlist
Fairy tales have been impacting culture for centuries longer than social media. These stories are so deeply entwined in our upbringings and our psyches that it’s often hard to realize exactly how firmly they have taken hold of us. Let’s take a step back and look at the stories historically and contextually—what were they trying to tell us, and what are they telling us now? Can they still offer us value, or should Snow White, Arielle, and the gang be cancelled?
Audio newsletter, August 1, 2021 (playlist: Uncovering the Truth)
Our playlist this month is UNCOVERING THE TRUTH. Additionally, we put a call out for listeners who want to provide feedback on a new podcast.
Uncovering the Truth: August 2021 podcast playlist
This playlist is about people in pursuit of a truth. Each episode journeys into the past, the present, and the personal, and what each person finds isn’t always the truth they expected.
Audio newsletter: July 12, 2021
This month’s podcast playlist is on FIXING THINGS and we have 3 virtual chapter meetings set up to discuss the playlist. Plus, two events of note: The Business of Podcasting and Podbean’s Storytelling Week.
Fixing Things: July 2021 podcast playlist
Each episode in this podcast playlist attempts to solve a different problem: a relationship, loneliness, racism, recycling, & higher education.
An update about the Podcast Brunch Club podcast
We’re changing things up for the Podcast Brunch Club podcast.
10 Podcasts to Advance Your Career
Career development is a multi-faceted and tricky business. Here’s a list of podcasts that will help you develop and advance your career.
Sound Sensation: June 2021 podcast playlist
An exploration of the very nature of sound, in all its different temperaments, in all its varying cadence, and the simplicity in which it exists, but the complexities in which it manifests.