Podcast Brunch Club

Adela (Podcast Brunch Club)

Nuclear Power Listening List Roundup

Sara and Adela discuss the Nuclear Power listening list, which offers an overview of nuclear power and raises the question of its future. They also veer off topic to discuss other podcasts they’re enjoying lately.

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On What a Day, Akilah Hughes brings a different voice to the news

There are no shortage of daily news podcasts out there, but Crooked Media’s What a Day offers a slightly different take on the days headlines, thanks in part to host Akilah Hughes. Every weekday, Hughes and reporter Gideon Resnick break down the day’s biggest stories and look at things that might have slipped through the cracks — all with a slightly irreverant perspective.

Nuclear Power: February 2020 Listening List

Nuclear Power: February 2020 Listening List

Nuclear power is a contentious issue. Is it safe? Is it clean? And what about the waste? New Zealand has been nuclear free for over 30 years, but other countries run the gamut from investing in new nuclear power stations to implementing the process of decommissioning their plants. In 2019, HBO revisited the Chernobyl disaster […]

Anil Dash, host of Function with Anil Dash

In this interview, Jenna (chapter leader of the virtual chapter of PBC) chats with Anil Dash, host of the Function with Anil Dash podcast. We listened to his episode entitled “How To Save the 2020 Election: Stopping Fake News” as part of our podcast listening list on Disinformation and Fake News.

Disinformation & Fake News listening list roundup

Jenna (chapter leader of our virtual chapter) and Stevie (the PBC podcast audio editor and leader of our Minneapolis chapter) take over this month’s roundup discussion. They discuss the Disinformation & Fake News listening list, which gets into the history, current landscape, and possible solutions of disinformation and fake news.

Homelessness Listening List Roundup

Adela and Sara discuss the Homelessness listening list, which highlight some of the struggles and solutions communities are using to tackle the issue of homelessness. They also veer off topic to discuss other podcasts they’re enjoying lately, including Finding Fred, Scattered, and Last Day.

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm