Podcast Brunch Club


Prison: Listening List

Prison: Listening List

  November 8th is quickly approaching and there is much to talk about regarding the election and politics. But, how about this: let’s not. This election has caused me such anxiety (and sometimes rage) and I just can’t stomach the idea of corrupting my podcast listening me-time by knowingly assaulting my own ears with any more about it. So, let’s make November […]

Fear: Listening List

Fear: Listening List

Halloween, an entire holiday predicated on fear, is around the corner. Fear comes in so many shapes and sizes. Some people avoid it and others seek it out explicitly. It can be used to hinder us and to motivate us. So, this month’s listening list is all about the power of fear. If you are in […]

Higher Education: Listening List

Higher Education: Listening List

As back-to-school month begins and fall descends upon [most of] us, we’ll be tuning our ears to episodes that explore HIGHER EDUCATION. I’m always so blown away by all the great recommendations I get from the PBC community when I put out the call for suggestions. It’s such a great experience to listen to so […]

Identity: Listening List

Identity: Listening List

This month’s theme is IDENTITY. I’m going to be honest here…I did not think the theme through enough before I asked for recommendations. Identity is such a broad concept, and I received so many great podcast recommendations. I quickly realized that it was going to be impossible to pick 3 episodes that touch on all […]

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America!

In honor of the 4th of July, we’re going with a “Happy Birthday, America” theme. I also decided to write a short love/hate birthday letter to my country. Here it is: Dear America, Happy 240th birthday! Wow, you’re old. You would think you’d have your s*%t together better than you actually do. I really love […]

Feminism: Listening List

Feminism: Listening List

I have some exciting news this month: Podcast Brunch Club was featured in the latest episode of The Big Listen podcast. The show highlights things happening in the podcast world. I’m woven in throughout the entire episode, so listen all the way to the end and let me know your thoughts! Also, on June 16th, […]

Starting a Family: Listening List

Starting a Family: Listening List

I’ve heard a number of podcasts recently that have explored the theme of starting (or continuing) a family. Some people know that they want kids and some don’t. Some people jump through hoops to have them and others go to great lengths to avoid them. It’s life-changing and nearly every adult human being has to think […]

Vegetarianism: Listening List

Vegetarianism: Listening List

Happy belated anniversary, PBClubbers!!! I just looked back and realized that last month we hit the 1 year anniversary mark for PBC! Now…onto business. This month we’ll listen to 3 episodes on the topic Vegetarianism. Full disclosure: I have only listened to snippets of the three episodes listed below, so they’re not 100% vetted. But, […]

Mental Illness: Listening List

Mental Illness: Listening List

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14 and 75% by age 24. This gives a whole new meaning to the term “March Madness” that is about to sweep college campuses. So, we’re going take a different angle on that term and talk […]

Music – Past, Present, & Future: Listening List

Music – Past, Present, & Future: Listening List

February is upon us and I hope everyone is keeping warm. Here in Chicago I knock on wood every day that the winter has been pretty mild thus far. Anyhoo…onto business. This month’s theme is: Music – Past, Present, & Future. The Listenings for this month are below.Thanks to our Chicago PBClubber, Beatrice, for suggesting […]

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm