Podcast Brunch Club

climate change

OCEANS & SEA LIFE: June 2024 podcast playlist

OCEANS & SEA LIFE: June 2024 podcast playlist

Humans are captivated by the oceans for a multitude of reasons, both tangible and intangible. Firstly, the sheer vastness of the oceans, covering over 70% of the Earth’s surface, evokes a sense of awe and wonder. They represent the last frontier on our planet, holding mysteries and unexplored depths that intrigue our adventurous spirit. Moreover, the oceans harbor a breathtaking diversity of life, from the smallest plankton to the largest whales, showcasing the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Beyond their ecological significance, oceans have also shaped human history, serving as highways for trade and exploration, and inspiring countless myths, legends, and works of art. In their ever-changing moods, from tranquil calm to raging storms, oceans remind us of the power and unpredictability of nature, stirring our imagination and fueling our desire to understand and protect these magnificent realms. So, with this playlist, let’s dive deep into the mysteries and wonders of our planet’s vast oceans.

Mother Earth: April 2021 podcast playlist

Mother Earth: April 2021 podcast playlist

Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity today, but too often us humans see ourselves as removed from the problem, the solutions, and “the environment” itself. This playlist was compiled with that in mind: the ways we think, talk, and advocate for climate stability are at least as important as energy technology is to […]

Nuclear Power: February 2020 Listening List

Nuclear Power: February 2020 Listening List

Nuclear power is a contentious issue. Is it safe? Is it clean? And what about the waste? New Zealand has been nuclear free for over 30 years, but other countries run the gamut from investing in new nuclear power stations to implementing the process of decommissioning their plants. In 2019, HBO revisited the Chernobyl disaster […]

Climate Change: Podcast Listening List

Climate Change: Podcast Listening List

This podcast playlist on climate change was curated by the members of our Geneva chapter. What exactly is climate change? What’s the big deal? Can we do something to stop it? There are many questions surrounding climate change, and it is why the Geneva members felt it would be a great topic for a PBC […]

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