Podcast Brunch Club

Listening Lists

Every month we post a thematic Listening List with 1-5 hours of podcast episodes for our PBC meetings and online discussions. We send these out by email, so be sure to subscribe. You can always find the selections here.

Food & Culture: November 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Food-Culture.png

Food & Culture: November 2021 podcast playlist

Food has a unique power. At its most fundamental, it nourishes the body. But, the true power of food is its link to culture. Food can spark a memory, comfort, and cure. A meal has the power to bring people together and tear them apart. It can be a source of joy or a source of shame. This playlist explores food and culture from the perspective of place, heritage, identity, language, and history.

Fairy Tales: September 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Fairy-Tales.png

Fairy Tales: September 2021 podcast playlist

Fairy tales have been impacting culture for centuries longer than social media. These stories are so deeply entwined in our upbringings and our psyches that it’s often hard to realize exactly how firmly they have taken hold of us. Let’s take a step back and look at the stories historically and contextually—what were they trying to tell us, and what are they telling us now? Can they still offer us value, or should Snow White, Arielle, and the gang be cancelled?

Uncovering the Truth: August 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Uncovering-the-Truth.png

Uncovering the Truth: August 2021 podcast playlist

This playlist is about people in pursuit of a truth. Each episode journeys into the past, the present, and the personal, and what each person finds isn’t always the truth they expected.

Fixing Things: July 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Fixing-Things.png

Fixing Things: July 2021 podcast playlist

Each episode in this podcast playlist attempts to solve a different problem: a relationship, loneliness, racism, recycling, & higher education.

Sound Sensation: June 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Sound-Sensation.png

Sound Sensation: June 2021 podcast playlist

An exploration of the very nature of sound, in all its different temperaments, in all its varying cadence, and the simplicity in which it exists, but the complexities in which it manifests.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: May 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Beauty.png

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: May 2021 podcast playlist

Beauty is subjective…one person’s “beautiful” is another person’s “ugly.” Yet, as a society we continually strive for beauty. But, what does that mean exactly? How does society place value on certain types of beauty over others? Has social media and the proliferation of the “selfie” changed the way we understand beauty? This podcast playlist was curated in an effort to explore those questions and more. 

Mother Earth: April 2021 podcast playlist https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Mother-Earth.png

Mother Earth: April 2021 podcast playlist

Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity today, but too often us humans see ourselves as removed from the problem, the solutions, and “the environment” itself. This playlist was compiled with that in mind: the ways we think, talk, and advocate for climate stability are at least as important as energy technology is to […]

Thanks to PBC Partners

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Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm