Podcast Brunch Club

Breaking the News – July 2019 Listening List

Podcast Brunch Club theme: Breaking the News

These days, it’s easier than ever to get news from anywhere in the world at any time and in any format you want. However, it’s also easier than ever to tune out information we don’t agree with or distrust the people giving that information to us. The less trust people have in the news media, the easier it is for misinformation to spread.

The past few years have shown that many of the models that sustained journalism in the 20th century are in desperate need of an upgrade. This month’s playlist will explore some of the ways that media companies and news consumers are breaking old habits and old business models and creating something better in place of them.

(This month’s playlist was curated by Jenna Spinelle, one of the leaders of the virtual PBC chapter. Jenna is also the producer/host of the Democracy Works podcast, which examines what it means to live in a democracy.)

Podcast Listening List on Breaking the News

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Podcast: Crazy/Genius
Episode: Who Killed Local News? (June 2018, 24 min)
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Other apps (via Podchaser)
Since the Internet exploded journalism’s business revenue, local newsrooms around the country have been in free fall. We speak to The Denver Post’s former managing editor and other experts to debate how to save the news—and, just possibly, democracy itself.

Podcast: After the Fact
Episode: Finding Facts (May 2018, 15 min)
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Other apps (via Podchaser)
It’s becoming increasingly more difficult to sort fact from fiction in this digital age. In this episode, After the Fact (the podcast of The Pew Charitable Trusts) talk to Alan Miller, who founded the News Literacy Project—an educational, nonpartisan nonprofit organization that is helping people determine what information to trust and share.

Podcast: Recode Decode
Episode: Michael Barbaro, Host of the New York Times Podcast The Daily (Live) (June 2018, 1 hour, 9 minutes)
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Other apps (via Podchaser)
In this episode, Michael Barbaro takes you behind the scenes of one of the world’s most popular podcasts, and game change for the news industry. You’ll learn how the show approaches news coverage, and why it became so successful so quickly.

Podcast: The NewsWorthy
Episode: G20 Summit, WorldPride & Google Maps Update – Friday, June 28th, 2019 (June 2019, 10 minutes)
Listen: Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Other apps (via Podchaser)
The NewsWorthy is an example of an independent journalist who is taking an innovative approach to delivering news. Host Erica Mandy brings broadcast journalism skills to the podcast world to deliver what she describes as fair, fast, and fun.

PBC Podcast episodes covering the Breaking the News playlist:
The PBC Podcast delves into the monthly theme through roundup episodes, interviews with the creators we feature, and discussions happening around the world on the topic.

  • Roundup of the Breaking the News playlist
    Adela and Sara discuss the podcast playlist on Breaking the News and then diverge to talk about what else they’ve discovered lately (TLDR: Sara is on a politics kick and Adela goes the nature route).
  • The NewsWorthy podcast host, Erica Mandy
    Erica Mandy, the founder and host of the theNewsWorthy, chats with Jenna Spinelle, one of the co-leaders of our virtual PBC chapter.
  • After the Fact podcast host, Dan LeDuc
    Dan LeDuc, the host of the After the Fact podcast from The Pew Charitable Trusts, chats with Steve Zampanti, the chapter leader of our Minneapolis chapter.

Conversation Starter Questions

  1. Do you follow the news? If so, where and how do you get it?
  2. Have your news consumption habits changed over the past year? The past 5 years?
  3. What role do you think podcasts have in the news landscape?
  4. What can news organizations do to adapt to changing technologies and consumer habits?
  5. Do you think subscriber or nonprofit journalism can have the same impact and reach as advertiser-funded newspapers did a generation ago?
  6. Have you ever fallen victim to fake news shared online? How did you know it was fake? Did you change how you evaluate information after the experience?
  7. How do you think people will consume news 10 years from now?


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