Podcast Brunch Club

Adela (Podcast Brunch Club)

Citizen Science: Podcast Playlist

Citizen Science: Podcast Playlist

As we see the effects of global warming affecting our forests, our oceans and our air we also see a growing disconnect between science and society. In a Post-Truth world, citizen science projects seek to engage citizens in the scientific process by making science more accessible and show its merits. The purpose of this playlist […]

Win Kelly Charles uses her podcast, Ask Win, to teach people about cerebral palsy

Win Kelly Charles uses her podcast, Ask Win, to teach people about cerebral palsy

This month (January 2019) our podcast playlist theme is “Community Responses to Disability.” So, Podcast Brunch Club chapters all over the world are meeting to discuss the topic and will be thinking through their own responses to disability. I am lucky enough to know Win Kelly Charles, a woman with cerebral palsy (CP), who hosts the show Ask Win. I met Win via twitter when she asked me to be a guest on her podcast. Because Podcast Brunch Club podcast playlists are short and not usually curated by me, we weren’t able to feature her podcast on the official playlist, but I am happy to give our members a chance to get to know Win through this interview with her.

Community Responses to Disability: Podcast Playlist

Community Responses to Disability: Podcast Playlist

It is estimated that one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability. Over the years, there has been some progress in recognizing the importance of accessibility and inclusion. But our governments and workplaces and communities still have much work to do to embrace and empower people with disabilities. This month’s episodes look at different types of community responses to disability (some more helpful than others) in hopes that we learn more about what we can do to increase inclusivity for all.

Roundup of Last Seen deep dive [Episode 38]

In this roundup episode, Sara and Adela chat about the deep dive Podcast Brunch Club did into the Last Seen podcast. We also get feedback from PBC members worldwide on whether a limited run series, like Last Seen, needs a conclusion to feel satisfying. Adela and Sara then diverge from the binge listen and do a year-end superlatives award segment for the podcast landscape.

Kelly Horan, reporter on Last Seen [Episode 37]

Sara interviews Kelly Horan, senior producer and a senior reporter of the Last Seen podcast from WBUR and The Boston Globe. Podcast Brunch Club did things a little differently this month: rather than a thematic podcast playlist, PBC members worldwide did a deep dive into the Last Seen podcast. The podcast explored the largest unsolved art heist in history, which was the theft of 13 artworks from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston in 1990.

The Neon Noir: An interview with the show creator, Jack Delaney

The Neon Noir: An interview with the show creator, Jack Delaney

The audio drama genre is in a renaissance period. Science fiction, fantasy, and horror seem to be the most popular types of audio drama, but recently we’ve been seeing an explosion of audio fiction that steps well outside of the ordinary. The Neon Noir is one such project. It’s a podcast that uses a rich soundscape and first-person perspective to tell original noir stories. I sat down with Jack Delaney, the creator of The Neon Noir, to find out more.

Max Sanderson, producer at The Guardian Podcasts [Episode 36]

Sara interviews Max Sanderson, lead producer on an episode we listened to from The Guardian’s Science Weekly podcast. PBC members worldwide listened to a podcast playlist on Artificial Intelligence. The Science Weekly episode called “Questioning AI: does artificial intelligence need and off switch?” was included. Check out the other podcasts in this Artificial Intelligence playlist […]

An Arm and a Leg: An interview with the show creator, Dan Weissmann

An Arm and a Leg: An interview with the show creator, Dan Weissmann

Health insurance and the cost of healthcare in the US is complicated, to say the least. Coverage, co-pays, in-network, out-of-network, HSAs, deductibles, and universal codes: it seems like you need a PhD just to figure out how much you’ll be charged to get a checkup (let alone get treatment for a life-threatening illness). Dan Weissmann knows this first-hand. He quit his insurance-providing job to do his own thing and in the process he has found himself navigating the healthcare minefield. He’s documenting this journey, talking to experts, and telling patient stories on his new podcast, An Arm and a Leg. Dan was kind enough to give me some of his time to tell me more about his podcast.

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm