Podcast Brunch Club

Thinking Allowed

AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

Like it or not, we’re all getting older. Some people decide to lean into aging, while others fight it with all they’ve got. How does ageism play into our decisions about how to age. And, what, if anything, can and should science do to increase longevity. The episodes in this month’s playlist tackle these questions and offer a variety of perspectives on the topic.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: May 2021 podcast playlist

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder: May 2021 podcast playlist

Beauty is subjective…one person’s “beautiful” is another person’s “ugly.” Yet, as a society we continually strive for beauty. But, what does that mean exactly? How does society place value on certain types of beauty over others? Has social media and the proliferation of the “selfie” changed the way we understand beauty? This podcast playlist was curated in an effort to explore those questions and more. 

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