Podcast Brunch Club

The Happiness Lab

MAKING CONNECTIONS: January 2025 podcast playlist

MAKING CONNECTIONS: January 2025 podcast playlist

The world has changed in profound ways over the past few years, and so has the way we connect with one another. The pandemic reshaped our relationships—both personal and professional—and forced us to rethink how we communicate, collaborate, and build community. Now, as we emerge from this challenging period, we are faced with a new reality: how do we re-establish and strengthen the connections that were disrupted? This podcast playlist delves into the science and art of building meaningful relationships, from fostering trust to embracing vulnerability. Through powerful stories and actionable insights, the episodes will show how connecting with others goes beyond networking—it’s about creating genuine bonds that lead to growth, collaboration, and positive change. Together, let’s discover how we can turn this new chapter into an opportunity to build deeper, more meaningful connections that will last long into the future.

KINDNESS: December 2021 podcast playlist

KINDNESS: December 2021 podcast playlist

It’s that time of year when gratitude and thinking of others is top of mind, so we thought a playlist all about Kindness would be a nice way to end the year. Not to mention the fact that we simply need more kindness in the world these days. As we’ll hear on this playlist, kindness doesn’t have to be a grand gesture; it can be as simple as offering a hug or teaching someone a cool card trick.

Food & Culture: November 2021 podcast playlist

Food & Culture: November 2021 podcast playlist

Food has a unique power. At its most fundamental, it nourishes the body. But, the true power of food is its link to culture. Food can spark a memory, comfort, and cure. A meal has the power to bring people together and tear them apart. It can be a source of joy or a source of shame. This playlist explores food and culture from the perspective of place, heritage, identity, language, and history.

Navigating Uncertainty: October 2020 listening list

Navigating Uncertainty: October 2020 listening list

There is no question that we are living in uncertain times. We do not know when the global coronavirus pandemic will end. Around the world, countries are facing important elections, social justice protest movements, refugee crises, and much more. Trying to go through the motions of normal daily life and understand one’s role in creating the world we want to live in can be confounding and exhausting. The episodes this month all discuss different types of uncertainty and ways to navigate it. Hopefully we can all find something helpful to take away about how to navigate these challenging and often dark days.

Happiness Listening List Roundup

Sara and Adela discuss the Happiness listening list, which offers perspectives on what we can do as individuals to achieve happiness, what governments can do, and how happiness has become an industry.

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm