Podcast Brunch Club

radio diaries

TWINS: July 2024 podcast playlist

TWINS: July 2024 podcast playlist

Twins captivate our curiosity because they embody the intrigue of nature’s genetic lottery. From identical twins, who share the same DNA and often exhibit uncanny similarities in appearance and behavior, to fraternal twins with distinct genetic makeup yet a unique bond forged from shared experiences in the womb, each pair offers a glimpse into the […]

AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

Like it or not, we’re all getting older. Some people decide to lean into aging, while others fight it with all they’ve got. How does ageism play into our decisions about how to age. And, what, if anything, can and should science do to increase longevity. The episodes in this month’s playlist tackle these questions and offer a variety of perspectives on the topic.

Nuclear Power Listening List Roundup

Sara and Adela discuss the Nuclear Power listening list, which offers an overview of nuclear power and raises the question of its future. They also veer off topic to discuss other podcasts they’re enjoying lately.

Nuclear Power: February 2020 Listening List

Nuclear Power: February 2020 Listening List

Nuclear power is a contentious issue. Is it safe? Is it clean? And what about the waste? New Zealand has been nuclear free for over 30 years, but other countries run the gamut from investing in new nuclear power stations to implementing the process of decommissioning their plants. In 2019, HBO revisited the Chernobyl disaster […]

Death Penalty: Podcast Playlist

Death Penalty: Podcast Playlist

Galen Beebe is a writer and editor at the Bello Collective, a publisher of podcast criticism, playlists, and interviews; and co-founder of Etc. Gallery, a home for web-, print-, and experience-based narrative experiments. Her work has appeared in The Atlantic, Full Stop, and elsewhere. Approaches to capital punishment vary widely from country to country, state to state, and year to year. […]

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America!

In honor of the 4th of July, we’re going with a “Happy Birthday, America” theme. I also decided to write a short love/hate birthday letter to my country. Here it is: Dear America, Happy 240th birthday! Wow, you’re old. You would think you’d have your s*%t together better than you actually do. I really love […]

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