Podcast Brunch Club

99% Invisible

PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: November 2024 podcast playlist

PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: November 2024 podcast playlist

This month we’re diving into a fascinating and increasingly relevant topic: parasocial relationships. These are one-sided connections where individuals form emotional bonds with media figures, celebrities, or fictional characters without any reciprocal interaction. In our digital age, where social media and online content dominate, understanding these relationships is crucial as they profoundly impact our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors. From the comforting familiarity of a favorite podcast host to the deep admiration for a beloved influencer, parasocial relationships shape how we connect with the world around us. Join me as we explore how these bonds form, their psychological effects, and their broader implications for our social lives and mental health.

CARE: December 2023 podcast playlist

CARE: December 2023 podcast playlist

Caring is a multifaceted aspect of human nature that encompasses both self-care and caregiving for others. It involves a delicate balance between nurturing oneself and extending that nurturing spirit to those around us. Self-care is an essential foundation, acknowledging the importance of maintaining our own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. While it can empower us, it has also been commoditized and turned into a marketing tactic. Caregiving, on the other hand, is an essential component of any thriving society, but it has often gone overlooked on un(der)paid. These five episodes spotlight various aspects of care – from self-care to childcare to eldercare to memory care.

Community Responses to Disability: Podcast Playlist

Community Responses to Disability: Podcast Playlist

It is estimated that one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability. Over the years, there has been some progress in recognizing the importance of accessibility and inclusion. But our governments and workplaces and communities still have much work to do to embrace and empower people with disabilities. This month’s episodes look at different types of community responses to disability (some more helpful than others) in hopes that we learn more about what we can do to increase inclusivity for all.

Space: Podcast Playlist

Space: Podcast Playlist

This podcast playlist was curated by the amazing Jennifer Barragan, leader of the Geneva chapter of Podcast Brunch Club. The topic of space is as vast as space itself. There is human exploration and the future habitation of space, astronomy and current events like the discovery of gravitational waves and the collision of two neutron […]

Community Commentary: Creativity [Episode 4]

This is our first ever “community commentary” episode of the Podcast Brunch Club podcast! Emily Knight, audio ninja and chapter leader of our PBC-Bristol chapter, put together this episode for us. She recorded PBC-Bristol chapter members’ reflections and comments on the PBC podcast playlist on CREATIVITY.

Creativity: Listening List

Creativity: Listening List

I used to think creativity was something you either had or you didn’t. If you were creative, you would be drawn to something like writing or playing an instrument at an early age and continue to practice until you were really good. And if you weren’t really good at something creative by the time you were an adult, it simply meant you didn’t have the right passion or the right DNA. I failed at pretty much every instrument I tried growing up and nothing “creative” seemed to stick. Fortunately, I now know this binary view of creativity is complete hogwash, thanks in large part to podcasts. In an interview in one of the episodes below, author Elizabeth Gilbert says that the term “creative people” is redundant. All of us are creative, and sometimes you just need some permission to see yourself that way and to re-frame to yourself what creativity even means. My aim for the below list is to explore how the idea of creativity has evolved over time, what it actually is, and how we can use it everyday. I’m also hoping these episodes spark a little creative inspiration for you to follow your curiosity, like they did for me.

Music – Past, Present, & Future: Listening List

Music – Past, Present, & Future: Listening List

February is upon us and I hope everyone is keeping warm. Here in Chicago I knock on wood every day that the winter has been pretty mild thus far. Anyhoo…onto business. This month’s theme is: Music – Past, Present, & Future. The Listenings for this month are below.Thanks to our Chicago PBClubber, Beatrice, for suggesting […]

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm