Podcast Brunch Club


Feed the Queue is the ultimate podcast discovery podcast! Adela Mizrachi (founder of Podcast Brunch Club) and Lauren Passell (Tink Media, Podcast the Newsletter) do the listening for you and then drop an episode of their favorite shows into this feed. These are the shows that aren’t in Apple’s top charts, but should be. Think of it as a podcast buffet. You can taste each one and decide if you want to go in for second helpings.

Check out the very meta Podcast Brunch Club podcast! We’ll do roundups of the monthly listening lists and interview the hosts of our favorite podcasts. If you have your own feedback about the listening list to share and would like to be a part of the podcast, record a voice memo and send it to [email protected].

Community Commentary: Creativity [Episode 4]

This is our first ever “community commentary” episode of the Podcast Brunch Club podcast! Emily Knight, audio ninja and chapter leader of our PBC-Bristol chapter, put together this episode for us. She recorded PBC-Bristol chapter members’ reflections and comments on the PBC podcast playlist on CREATIVITY.

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Immigration & Migration discussion w/ Shannon Martin [Episode 2]

This month’s discussion is with Shannon Martin, podcast fangirl and Director of Communications for Podbean. Shannon is also the fearless leader of the Podcast Brunch Club chapter in Shanghai and this month the Shanghai chapter curated the podcast listening list on Migration & Immigration.

Thanks to PBC Partners

These organizational partners support the listener community. Learn how you can support PBC.

Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Podkite
  • Future Hindsight