Podcast Brunch Club

TIME: October 2022 podcast playlist

Podcast Brunch Club playlist theme: TIME. Like book club, but for podcasts.

Time is a weird thing. In some places people will magically gain an hour in the autumn and lose it in the spring. And when we travel, it’s possible to land before we took off. And, fun fact: in Ethiopia it’s the year 2015 and when you set up a meeting you must always specify whether you are using “international time” or “Ethiopian time” as what we would normally call 6 AM local time, Ethiopians call 12 AM. Yet, regardless of how we try to wrangle it, what we call it, or how we count it, there’s nothing stopping it. This playlist gives the concept of time some time. We hope you enjoy it!

This playlist was curated by Jenna Spinelle, leader of PBC’s global virtual chapter, founder of The Democracy Group, host & producer of the Democracy Works podcast, and host of When the People Decide podcast. Mark Pemble, a member of our Boise chapter, also contributed to the playlist. 

Podcast Playlist on TIME

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Soonish: “This Is How You Win the Time War” (November 2021, 53 min)
For over a century, we’ve been fiddling with standard time, adding complications such as Daylight Saving Time that are meant to give us a little more evening sunlight for at least part of the year. But what if these are just palliatives for a broken system? What if it’s time to reset the clock and try something completely different?

Planet Money: “The Day Of Two Noons” (June 2019, 20 min)
People didn’t always know what time it was. But in the nineteenth century, a high school principal, a scientist, and a railroad bureaucrat synchronized the nation.

Secretly Incredibly Fascinating: “Time Zones” (April 2021, 55 min)
Alex Schmidt is joined by podcasters/producers Anna Hossnieh and Shereen Lani Younes (‘Ethnically Ambiguous’ podcast) for a look at why time zones are secretly incredibly fascinating.

Supernatural with Ashley Flowers: “THE UNKNOWN: Time Travel” (November 2021, 33 min)
Time travel seems to be firmly in the realm of science fiction, and yet history is filled with alleged cases — from a traveler who broke the internet, to an Italian priest peering into the past.

Bonus podcast episodes:

Conversation Starter Questions:

  1. Do you think you live in the “correct” time zone?
  2. If you live in the United States, do you think Daylight Savings Time should continue?
  3. Do you believe that time travel is possible? Would you do it if you could?
  4. How do you feel about the manipulation time as a political tactic?

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