Ocean Conservation: Podcast Listening List
The ocean is life. It regulates our weather, produces over half of the world’s oxygen, provides food for us to eat, and so much more. Unfortunately, we have a serious ocean health problem. Between ocean acidification, disposable plastic waste, and more, we’re creating havoc in our oceans for marine life and for our own health […]
Water [Episode 15]
Adela, Sara, and Natalie from the PBC chapter in Cape Town all weigh in with their feedback on the episodes from the podcast playlist on Water. Then, in the “What We’re Listening To” segment, Sara and Adela go down the true crime rabbit hole.
Water: Podcast Playlist
This listening list on WATER was curated by the Cape Town chapter of Podcast Brunch Club. Water is something that most of us take for granted in our day-to-day lives – open a tap, and it’s available, clean and safe. But for many cities, water is fast becoming a precious and dwindling resource – the […]