Language: Podcast Playlist
There are somewhere around 7,000 languages in the world, but only 23 languages account for more than half of the world’s population and nearly 2/3 of all languages are from Asia and Africa. Languages can be born, invented, change, and die. They can also unite or divide. There is some controversy about whether languages can change the way we think, but there is no doubt that language and identity are inextricably linked. This podcast listening list explores language from a variety of angles.
Wanderlust: Podcast Listening List
“Wanderlust” is a strong desire or impulse to travel. For some of us, wanderlust springs from a desire to see interesting or unique places. Some of us wander because our reality is, for one reason or another, unsatisfying. The reasons for traveling can vary as much as the effect that our travels have on us.
Robert Smith, reporter on Planet Money [Episode 24]
Adela chats with Robert Smith, one of the reporters from Planet Money that worked on the episode “The Dollar at the Center of the World” that we listened to as part of the podcast listening list on Money. Check out the other podcasts in this Money playlist mini-series, including the Money Playlist Roundup and the Interview […]
Money: Podcast Playlist
It’s been called bacon, benjamins, cheddar, coin, dinero, dough, moolah, scratch and slug… but we all know it best as money.
Emotion: Podcast Playlist
This listening list on EMOTION was curated by Julie Magruder, a member of the New York City chapter of Podcast Brunch Club. Emotions are an essential part of being human. The science behind emotions offers fascinating insight into what’s going on inside our own heads, minds and bodies. Despite the abundance of information that exists, I had […]
Looking for Love: Podcast Playlist
Dating. Ugh. What can I say? I’ve done it. I hated it. As a woman who dated into her late 30s, I can say from experience that it’s rough out there! But, dating was a means to an end: finding love. Love was lurking out there somewhere–I just needed to find it, pin it down, and make it submit to my will. In honor of the sometimes adored, sometimes abhorred Valentine’s Day, let’s dive into looking for love this month.
Passports & Citizenship: Podcast Playlist
This podcast playlist on “Passports & Citizenship” was curated by Kathy Pulkrabek, co-host of the XX Will Travel podcast, which is a podcast for independent women travelers. Kathy is also a card-carrying member of the PBC-Chicago chapter. As an American traveler, I’ve never really had to think about my citizenship or passport – one has […]
Jazz: April 2017 Listening List
April is Jazz Appreciation Month. So, let’s appreciate some Jazz. Whether you are a seasoned jazz cat or a newbie kitten who doesn’t know much about the genre, you will enjoy these selected podcasts. We’ll go from Jazz in the beginnings, to a profile on one of Jazz’s most influential women, and then a guided tour of where to start as a novice Jazz listener. Get ready to swing!
Gangs: March 2017 Listening List
Why do people join gangs? What is their motivation for staying in them? How can gangs impact a community? Due to a code of secrecy within a gang and the threat of violence if that trust is broken, stories of life on the inside can be scarce, and even unbelievable at times. These podcast picks give us a little insight into why they continue to exist and draw more members into the fold.
Identity: Listening List
This month’s theme is IDENTITY. I’m going to be honest here…I did not think the theme through enough before I asked for recommendations. Identity is such a broad concept, and I received so many great podcast recommendations. I quickly realized that it was going to be impossible to pick 3 episodes that touch on all […]