Mother Earth: April 2021 podcast playlist
Climate change is the biggest threat facing humanity today, but too often us humans see ourselves as removed from the problem, the solutions, and “the environment” itself. This playlist was compiled with that in mind: the ways we think, talk, and advocate for climate stability are at least as important as energy technology is to […]
Hidden Brain producer, Rhaina Cohen
An interview with with Rhaina Cohen. Rhaina is the producer on the Hidden Brain episode, “Fake News: An Origin Story,” which we listened to as part of our listening list on Disinformation & Fake News.
Sam Evans-Brown, host of the Outside/In podcast [Episode 30]
Sara interviews Sam Evans-Brown, the host of the Outside/In podcast. As part of the September podcast listening list on Ocean Conservation, Podcast Brunch Club members worldwide listened to the Outside/In episode “An American Lobster in Stockholm.” Check out the other podcasts in this Ocean Conservation playlist mini-series, including the Roundup episode and the forthcoming interview […]