Podcast Brunch Club

Life Kit

AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

AGING: February 2023 podcast playlist

Like it or not, we’re all getting older. Some people decide to lean into aging, while others fight it with all they’ve got. How does ageism play into our decisions about how to age. And, what, if anything, can and should science do to increase longevity. The episodes in this month’s playlist tackle these questions and offer a variety of perspectives on the topic.

ADVICE: August 2022 podcast playlist

ADVICE: August 2022 podcast playlist

Podcasts conquered the worlds of true crime and news long ago, but there’s a sleeper genre thriving just below the top of the charts. Over the past couple of years, we have been spoiled by the rise of some fantastic podcasts about giving and receiving advice. Whether we intend to or not, we all find ourselves in situations where we are asked to give or receive advice from time to time. Advice is how we learn from the mistakes and successes of others, and how we try to help others navigate around the potholes we weren’t lucky enough to miss. This playlist is made up of podcasts focusing on advice from several angles. Some are more lighthearted, some are serious, and you’ll even find advice on giving advice.

Food & Culture: November 2021 podcast playlist

Food & Culture: November 2021 podcast playlist

Food has a unique power. At its most fundamental, it nourishes the body. But, the true power of food is its link to culture. Food can spark a memory, comfort, and cure. A meal has the power to bring people together and tear them apart. It can be a source of joy or a source of shame. This playlist explores food and culture from the perspective of place, heritage, identity, language, and history.

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Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Future Hindsight
  • Podkite