Podcast Brunch Club

Money: Podcast Playlist

This listening list on MONEY was curated by Maddie Rychel, a member of the Chicago chapter of Podcast Brunch Club.

It’s been called bacon, benjamins, cheddar, coin, dinero, dough, moolah, scratch and slug… but we all know it best as money. Since its first appearance in ancient civilizations, money has built the foundations for our societies and cultures; driving prosperity in some realms of the world, and destitution in others. It decides what we do, where we go, and how we get there. More than just a clanking noise in our pockets and purses, money often shapes who we become and the legacies we leave behind. And if mismanaged, can leave us in dire situations. So how can we position ourselves to be prosperous and keep up with the ever-changing landscape of modern finance? To start…by learning more about it.

Podcast Playlist on Money

Planet Money – #553: The Dollar at the Center of the World
(Apple Podcasts | Google Play // 21 minutes, April 2017)
The dollar is at the center of international currency. But how? As World War II was ending, world leaders realized they had a problem—countries no longer knew how to trade with each other. Their economies were devastated. So representatives from 44 nations gathered in the small town of Bretton Woods, New Hampshire to come up with the solution.

Town Hall Seattle Science Series – Dan Ariely with Jeff Kreisler
(Apple Podcasts | Google Play // 66 minutes, December 2017)
Why does spending money sometimes feel almost physically painful? Why are we comfortable overpaying for something again just because we’ve overpaid for it once before? Dan Ariely, professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University, steps forward to answer these intriguing questions about our spending psychology. He shares the stage with his co-author Jeff Kreisler—Princeton educated lawyer turned award-winning comedian—to share their book Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter. The pair provides an enlightening and witty view into our irrational behavior and how it often interferes with our best intentions when it comes to managing our finances. Ariely and Kreisler take us deep inside our own minds to expose the hidden habits and motivations secretly driving our financial choices.

Bad With Money with Gaby Dunn – Just Give People Money (aka Universal Basic Income)
(Apple Podcasts | Google Play // 43 minutes, May 2018)
Gaby speaks with a variety of guests who lay out the principles of Universal Basic Income (UBI) and get us thinking about so many things…including what money means, the value our society places on work, what defines personhood, and what UBI could do for us. PBC partner, Panoply, brings us this episode.

WSJ The Future of Everything – In Bitcoin We Trust?
(Apple Podcasts | Google Play // 23 minutes, November 2017)
Digital, decentralized money is quickly coming of age. What began as an experiment from a mysterious internet persona has become a force to be reckoned with, prompting banks to adapt. But how does cryptocurrency work? And where is it headed?

PBC Podcast Episodes covering the Money Podcast Playlist

Conversation Starters on Money Podcast Playlist

  1. Do you believe the following statement to be true or false? Money can buy happiness.
  2. Growing up, did your family speak openly about money and finance?
  3. How often do you think about money?
  4. What would you do with 1 Million dollars?
  5. Is it important to you to begin saving/investing early on in life for retirement?
  6. Do you think financial literacy in your community could be improved? If so, how?
  7. What do you think of your country’s current monetary system?  Do you feel it’s efficient?  If not, what could be improved?
  8. Would you invest in bitcoin?
  9. Where do you think the future of currency is headed?

DJ RuggedAngel’s Music Playlist

Our resident DJ, DJ RuggedAngel (aka Kahmeela of the PBC-PGH chapter), has put together this musical playlist for us around the theme of Money. Enjoy!

Special thanks to Panoply for supporting this playlist.
Panoply Media


  • Dave Gardner says:

    Very interesting idea. I’ve just subscribed and look forward to checking Podcast Brunch Club out. The Money theme gave me the idea to suggest “living sustainably” as a good theme to explore. Full disclosure I co-host a podcast that would be good to include in that theme – GrowthBusters. But even if you choose to snub me and not include GrowthBusters, the theme would make for some fascinating discussion. http://growthbusters.libsyn.com/

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