Podcast Brunch Club

Listening Lists

Every month we post a thematic Listening List with 1-5 hours of podcast episodes for our PBC meetings and online discussions. We send these out by email, so be sure to subscribe. You can always find the selections here.

Jazz: April 2017 Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/theme-Jazz.png

Jazz: April 2017 Listening List

April is Jazz Appreciation Month. So, let’s appreciate some Jazz. Whether you are a seasoned jazz cat or a newbie kitten who doesn’t know much about the genre, you will enjoy these selected podcasts. We’ll go from Jazz in the beginnings, to a profile on one of Jazz’s most influential women, and then a guided tour of where to start as a novice Jazz listener. Get ready to swing!

Gangs: March 2017 Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Theme-Gangs-1.png

Gangs: March 2017 Listening List

Why do people join gangs? What is their motivation for staying in them? How can gangs impact a community? Due to a code of secrecy within a gang and the threat of violence if that trust is broken, stories of life on the inside can be scarce, and even unbelievable at times. These podcast picks give us a little insight into why they continue to exist and draw more members into the fold.

Death: Beliefs & Responses – Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Death-Beliefs-Responses-1.png

Death: Beliefs & Responses – Listening List

This month for Podcast Brunch Club, we’ll take a look at one of life’s two certainties: death. We hope the podcasts we’ve chosen expose you to beliefs people hold about death before it directly affects their lives, and how they respond after it does. Why do some people feel comfortable planning for the end of life, is it easier for the dying to accept death, how do you deal with death when it happens before you think it should, and how can the death of a stranger have such a strong effect on us, are just a few questions we’ll examine. As death can become a dark subject, we hope the selections just get you reflecting on how your own beliefs and experiences compare to those you’ll encounter.

The World We’re Inheriting: Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Theme-The-World-Were-Inheriting-1.png

The World We’re Inheriting: Listening List

I’m so pleased to present the first Podcast Brunch Club Takeover. Ms. Barrett’s junior- and senior-level sociology class at Berthoud High School in Colorado have chosen to look to the future and explore the theme of THE WORLD WE’RE INHERITING. Ms. Barrett’s class was our first high school PBC chapter. Over the course of the semester they […]

Laughter & Comedy: Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Theme-Laughter.png

Laughter & Comedy: Listening List

The holiday season is upon us and for many this is a time of joy and happiness. For others, the holiday blues kick in. Combine that with the chaos that has ensued since the U.S. Presidential election and it seems especially important to find ways to laugh. So, with that I have chosen LAUGHTER & COMEDY as […]

Prison: Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Theme-Prison-1.png

Prison: Listening List

  November 8th is quickly approaching and there is much to talk about regarding the election and politics. But, how about this: let’s not. This election has caused me such anxiety (and sometimes rage) and I just can’t stomach the idea of corrupting my podcast listening me-time by knowingly assaulting my own ears with any more about it. So, let’s make November […]

Fear: Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/theme-fear-1.png

Fear: Listening List

Halloween, an entire holiday predicated on fear, is around the corner. Fear comes in so many shapes and sizes. Some people avoid it and others seek it out explicitly. It can be used to hinder us and to motivate us. So, this month’s listening list is all about the power of fear. If you are in […]

Higher Education: Listening List https://podcastbrunchclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/higheeducation-1.jpg

Higher Education: Listening List

As back-to-school month begins and fall descends upon [most of] us, we’ll be tuning our ears to episodes that explore HIGHER EDUCATION. I’m always so blown away by all the great recommendations I get from the PBC community when I put out the call for suggestions. It’s such a great experience to listen to so […]

Thanks to PBC Partners

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Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm