Podcast Brunch Club

This American Life

The Evolution of Libraries: Podcast Listening List

The Evolution of Libraries: Podcast Listening List

Every April, the U.S. celebrates National Library Week. Podcast Brunch Club is steadily adding more library partners to is list of chapters. In honor of both of these things, we wanted to put together a listening list that pays tribute to libraries all over the world.

Higher Education: Listening List

Higher Education: Listening List

As back-to-school month begins and fall descends upon [most of] us, we’ll be tuning our ears to episodes that explore HIGHER EDUCATION. I’m always so blown away by all the great recommendations I get from the PBC community when I put out the call for suggestions. It’s such a great experience to listen to so […]

Mental Illness: Listening List

Mental Illness: Listening List

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), 50% of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14 and 75% by age 24. This gives a whole new meaning to the term “March Madness” that is about to sweep college campuses. So, we’re going take a different angle on that term and talk […]

Holidays & Religion: Listening List

Holidays & Religion: Listening List

With the holidays approaching, let’s hear the history of those holidays, some quirky family holiday stories, and how some people are caught between two worlds. Thanks to Chicago PBClubber, Lisa, and Twitter friend, @saralistens, for choosing the listenings for this month: Backstory: Naughty & Nice. BackStory brings historical perspective to the events happening around us […]

Random Selections: Listening List

Random Selections: Listening List

It’s that time again! What we’re listening to (thanks to Chicago PBClubbers Ashley and Lisa for suggesting the podcasts this month!): StarTalk Radio – “Space Chronicles Part 1”: Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson interviews Professor John Logsdon, an expert in the history of space exploration. You’ll learn Eisenhower’s secret reason for starting NASA, why JFK offered […]

Thanks to PBC Partners

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Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Podkite
  • Future Hindsight