Podcast Brunch Club


EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE: November 2022 podcast playlist

EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE: November 2022 podcast playlist

It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the chaos and minutiae that is happening on this planet. But, the second you look into the night sky it becomes very clear that we are just a tiny speck in a giant universe. It’s both humbling and awe-inspiring. What is out there beyond that night sky? And, perhaps more interestingly, who is out there? It seems very unlikely that we are the only intelligent life that exists and even less likely that we are the only life, intelligent or not. Check out this science-forward playlist on questions around the search for extraterrestrial life.

Music – Past, Present, & Future: Listening List

Music – Past, Present, & Future: Listening List

February is upon us and I hope everyone is keeping warm. Here in Chicago I knock on wood every day that the winter has been pretty mild thus far. Anyhoo…onto business. This month’s theme is: Music – Past, Present, & Future. The Listenings for this month are below.Thanks to our Chicago PBClubber, Beatrice, for suggesting […]

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