Podcast Brunch Club

On Being

Navigating Uncertainty: October 2020 listening list

Navigating Uncertainty: October 2020 listening list

There is no question that we are living in uncertain times. We do not know when the global coronavirus pandemic will end. Around the world, countries are facing important elections, social justice protest movements, refugee crises, and much more. Trying to go through the motions of normal daily life and understand one’s role in creating the world we want to live in can be confounding and exhausting. The episodes this month all discuss different types of uncertainty and ways to navigate it. Hopefully we can all find something helpful to take away about how to navigate these challenging and often dark days.

Religion, Spirituality & Belief: Listening List

Religion, Spirituality & Belief: Listening List

Happy 2016! Hope you all had a great holiday. We’re actually on schedule for our monthly Listenings selection. One of our Chicago PBClubbers, Lynn, has proposed two podcasts that extend our holiday conversation about belief, faith, and spirituality. As you listen to the selections for this month, if you come up with a good question […]

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm