Podcast Brunch Club

Last Seen

Roundup of Last Seen deep dive [Episode 38]

In this roundup episode, Sara and Adela chat about the deep dive Podcast Brunch Club did into the Last Seen podcast. We also get feedback from PBC members worldwide on whether a limited run series, like Last Seen, needs a conclusion to feel satisfying. Adela and Sara then diverge from the binge listen and do a year-end superlatives award segment for the podcast landscape.

Last Seen binge listen: podcast playlist

Last Seen binge listen: podcast playlist

This month we’re doing things a bit differently than we usually do. Typically, one of our global members will choose a theme and curate a podcast playlist around that theme, usually a sampling of a few different podcasts. But, that means it’s difficult for us to do anything that is more serialized in nature, which […]

Roundup of the Artificial Intelligence podcast playlist [Episode 34]

In this roundup episode, Sara and Adela chat about the podcast listening list on Artificial Intelligence. We also get answers from creators and members on the question, “What excites you and scares you about artificial intelligence?” Adela and Sara then diverge from the listening list and talk about the plan for Podcast Brunch Club in […]

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Platinum Partners
  • Riverside.fm
  • Future Hindsight
  • Podkite