Podcast Brunch Club

Religion, Spirituality & Belief: Listening List

Happy 2016! Hope you all had a great holiday.

We’re actually on schedule for our monthly Listenings selection. One of our Chicago PBClubbers, Lynn, has proposed two podcasts that extend our holiday conversation about belief, faith, and spirituality. As you listen to the selections for this month, if you come up with a good question to pose at a meeting or online, post it in the Comments section below.

TED Radio Hour: “Believers and Doubters.”  TED speakers offer perspectives on belief from all ends of the spectrum, from atheists to the devout.

On Being: “Martin Sheen — Spirituality of Imagination.” Actor Martin Sheen as you’ve never heard him before. He has appeared in over 100 films, including Apocalypse Now. He’s best known on television as President Bartlet in seven seasons of The West Wing. But Martin Sheen, born and still legally named Ramón Estévez, has had another lesser-known life as a spiritual seeker and activist. He returned to a deep and joyful Catholic faith after a crisis at the height of his fame in in mid-life. He’s been arrested over 60 times in vigils and protests. “Piety is something you do alone,” he says. “True freedom, spirituality, can only be achieved in community.”

Let’s try to get a little ahead of the game. If you have recommendations for February’s selections, let me know. We’re looking for podcast episodes that have a common thread. I’d love to see if we can get a few podcasts from the Atlantic article of 50 best podcast episodes of 2015 that relate to each other, but that may be a bit difficult. If you’re up for the challenge, though, then go for it!

Happy listening (and brunching)!

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