Podcast Brunch Club

United States

Freedom of Speech: September 2020 podcast listening list

Freedom of Speech: September 2020 podcast listening list

Freedom of speech is the bedrock of democracy, but it can be the source of confusion, misunderstanding, and hurt. And even when we are proponents of free speech in theory, the practical application of it can be quite tenuous and brutal. This month we’re listening to five episodes that dig into freedom of speech and provide examples of where the line gets a little fuzzy.

Migration & Immigration: Listening List

Migration & Immigration: Listening List

This topic is very personal for our Shanghai PBC members. We’re all migrants in one form or another…”expats” living in China from all over the world, migrants from other cities to Shanghai, “overseas returnees” who’ve lived, worked and/or studied abroad. We tried to choose episodes that cover diverse migration situations. We hope everyone enjoys a fruitful discussion from these episodes. We found so much great content, so we’ve included a lot of bonus listening if you care to delve deeper.

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America!

In honor of the 4th of July, we’re going with a “Happy Birthday, America” theme. I also decided to write a short love/hate birthday letter to my country. Here it is: Dear America, Happy 240th birthday! Wow, you’re old. You would think you’d have your s*%t together better than you actually do. I really love […]

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm