Podcast Brunch Club

Isabella Stewart Gardner museum

Kelly Horan, reporter on Last Seen [Episode 37]

Sara interviews Kelly Horan, senior producer and a senior reporter of the Last Seen podcast from WBUR and The Boston Globe. Podcast Brunch Club did things a little differently this month: rather than a thematic podcast playlist, PBC members worldwide did a deep dive into the Last Seen podcast. The podcast explored the largest unsolved art heist in history, which was the theft of 13 artworks from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston in 1990.

Last Seen binge listen: podcast playlist

Last Seen binge listen: podcast playlist

This month we’re doing things a bit differently than we usually do. Typically, one of our global members will choose a theme and curate a podcast playlist around that theme, usually a sampling of a few different podcasts. But, that means it’s difficult for us to do anything that is more serialized in nature, which […]

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  • Riverside.fm
  • Riverside.fm