Podcast Brunch Club


GHOSTS: October 2023 podcast playlist

GHOSTS: October 2023 podcast playlist

What is it about ghost stories that keeps us coming back for more? Is it our desperate desire to know what happens after death? Is it the thrill and the adrenaline that rushes through us when we’re scared while also knowing we’re safe? Is it the sense of wonder we get when we think about the afterlife? This playlist explores all things ghost-related….so make sure you listen when you’re at home alone and it’s dark outside (or, if you’re like me, make sure you’re in a crowded area in the middle of the day)!

Fear: Listening List

Fear: Listening List

Halloween, an entire holiday predicated on fear, is around the corner. Fear comes in so many shapes and sizes. Some people avoid it and others seek it out explicitly. It can be used to hinder us and to motivate us. So, this month’s listening list is all about the power of fear. If you are in […]

Halloween & Scary Stories: Listening List

Halloween & Scary Stories: Listening List

Boo!!! Did I scare you? Well, if I didn’t then the selections for this month definitely will. Chicago PBClubber, Ashley, chose October’s podcasts listenings. In honor of Halloween, here are a few podcast with a creepy theme to them. Lore – The true story behind scary stories. Episode 1: They Made a Tonic Episode 8: […]

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