Podcast Brunch Club

DEMOCRACY: April 2022 podcast playlist

Podcast Brunch Club podcast playlist: Democracy.

Democracy is at a crossroads right now. The world’s largest autocracies are throwing their weight around and placing bets that the demise of democracy is on the horizon. How did we get here and what can we do about it?

Democracy Decoded podcast artwork. By Campaign Legal Center.


This playlist is sponsored by Democracy Decoded, a podcast from Campaign Legal Center.


Podcast Playlist on DEMOCRACY

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This Month’s Podcast Playlist Running List of PBC Podcast Playlists
Podchaser | Listen Notes | Podyssey | Spotify Podchaser | Listen Notes | Podyssey | Spotify

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Radiolab: “Tweak the Vote” (November 2018, 1 hr 6 min)
Can one proposed tweak to the way we vote make politics more representative, more moderate, and most shocking of all, more civil? NOTE: It may be difficult to find this episode. See the *  below for workarounds.

Overheard at National Geographic: “Documenting Democracy” (November 2020, 28 min)
Andrea Bruce, a National Geographic photographer, has covered conflict zones around the world for nearly two decades. She shares how the experience of capturing democratic ideals as a war photographer in Egypt, Afghanistan, and Iraq now shapes the way she’s chronicling democracy in America in 2020.

Democracy Decoded: “Cracks in the System” (March 2022, 18 min)
A discussion that breaks down the basics of America’s campaign finance system. The episode is an examination of how illegal coordinated campaign spending occurs, and why it has not been properly addressed.

Analysis: “Deliberative Democracy” (March 2019, 29 min)
Can panels of ordinary citizens heal political divides in a way that politicians cannot? This episode explores the idea of citizens’ assemblies, which have been used around the world to come up with solutions to polarising issues.

Scene on Radio: “S4 E10: Schooled for Democracy” (May 2020, 59 min)
In most schools, children *hear about* democracy, but don’t get to *practice* it. What would a more engaged brand of civics education look like?

Bonus podcast episodes:

Conversation Starter Questions:

  1. What do you think about the idea of rank choice voting, as described in the Radiolab episode?
  2. If you live in the United States, do you think campaign finance should be reformed? How do you think money should play into campaigning?
  3. The episode from Analysis put forth the idea of using citizens assemblies to come to compromises on polarizing issues. Do you think this could work in the country where you live?
  4. What role do you think schools should play in democracy?

* So, it turns out that a few days before we published this playlist, the “Tweak the Vote” episode from Radiolab fell off the bottom of their feed. BUT, it’s so good and so relevant and we really wanted to keep it on the playlist. So, here are a few workarounds:

  • See ** below on the easiest way to get all of the episodes (including “Tweak the Vote”) into your player of choice. But, note that Spotify won’t work for accessing the Radiolab episode for this month.
  • Listen to the episode directly in Listen Notes or Podchaser or Podyssey. Spotify won’t work for this particular episode.
  • Listen on the Radiolab website.

** If you are manually finding each episode on a playlist in your podcast app, there is an easier way!!!! Every month we add the PBC playlist on four platforms: Listen Notes, Podchaser, Podyssey, and Spotify. We do this to make it easier on you so that you don’t have to hunt for each episode manually on your player of choice. You can simply grab the rss of the playlist from Listen Notes, for example, and drop it into your player and…boom!!…all of the episodes magically appear. Here’s a video that shows an example of quickly adding the episodes to Pocketcasts using the Listen Notes playlist.


  • Holly Steele says:

    I’m new to this and I just love podcasts. I wonder though about the American bias. I’m Canadian and there are plenty of good podcasts about the future of democracy from a non-American perspective.

    I noticed there were bonus podcasts about other parts of the world, I just wonder why North America seems to equal America.

    • Adela (Podcast Brunch Club) says:

      Hi there, interesting point. While most of the episodes are from podcasts produced in the US, if you listen to the podcasts on the playlist, you’ll actually hear perspectives from other countries. For example, the Radiolab episode highlights the rank choice voting system that they use in Ireland. And the Overheard episode features a photographer who tells us about the perspectives of people she talked to in Afghanistan. The Analysis episode is produced in the UK and talks about citizens assemblies in Ireland and how they can relate to the system in the United Kingdom.

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